Thursday, March 27, 2008

Arkansas Artists Calendar 2009

Calling all ArkansasArtists:

The Governor and Ginger Beebe enjoy welcoming many visitors to our State and to their beautiful home, the Governor’s Mansion. As the cultural community in Arkansas expands its literary, performance, and visual arts offerings, the Mansion Association and Ginger Beebe continue to work closely together to secure and display the work of Arkansas artists throughout the Mansion.

Last year, the Mansion Art Committee initiated the first Arkansas Artists Calendar, a day-planner featuring the work of ninety artists from our State. Because of their initial success, the Committee is planning to publish a 2009 desk calendar featuring two- and three-dimensional artwork produced by Arkansas artists. A panel of jurors will choose the works to be included in the calendar, and from those entries, several will be purchased for the Mansion’s private collection. We hope that each of you will participate in this project.

All artists who submit an image for consideration, as well as all sponsors of the day-planner calendar, are invited to join the Governor and Ginger Beebe for a reception on Wednesday, September 10, 2008, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. We deeply appreciate your participation and support of the arts in Arkansas, and we look forward to seeing you at the reception. Look for the link on to view the rules and print the entry form.

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